Here is picture of my new computer, which Jason surprised me with today!! He and Meagan left for Office Depot and something just didn't seem right; I knew he was up to something!! BUT, would have NEVER thought he would have come home with a new laptop for me! NEVER, since I know we don't have that kind of money right now! I feel VERY guilty!! He said he's been saving up for months just for that purpose (of course it was without me knowing since I would have used that money for hhhhmmmm bills, rent, groceries, dry cleaning, and the list can go on and on)...I guess he got tired of me complaining for the last few months, since my little ACER Notebook has been very slow and sometimes I feel like throwing my computer out the really, but yes, very frustrating!! The mistake I made with my ACER was saving too much on the hard drive...but I've been so frustrated since the speakers stopped working and I don't have a disk drive to listen to CD's! Anyway, again, feeling very guilty, but greatful and will take this special gift that my husband has purchased for me! Thank you Babe :) LOVE YA!!
My new computer...
My ACER notebook, which Meagan will take over...after it gets cleaned up and a boost!