This past month has been very busy with kids, school, and the start of my own business. I'm realizing I haven't had much time for my blog :-( so sorry, since I love updating everyone on what's going on with The Rowells!
Well, I have 12 weeks left of school (since I started this post, now I have 10 weeks left ...graduation is on June 13th. I do plan on attending my graduation, that's part of the reward, right!?
Well, in the last few months I've decided to start my own business. I'm working with a company that helps families achieve their financial goals...getting out of debt (which saves families a significant amount of money not having to pay additional interest), showing families how to pay off their mortgage 5 to 10 yrs sooner, getting properly protected, planning for their childrens college education, and having a plan for retirement. It's amazing how we can spend more time on planning for a single vacation and forget or overlook putting that much thought on our plan for the future! If you'd like more information and are looking to reach your financial dreams & goals give me a call 562-572-1655 or email me at If you are looking for extra part/full time income, this is also a great opportunity.
Below, we are pictured with a self-made millionaire couple (there were many in the conference we attended). We were honored in being able to hear them speak and train on building our business.

Now, on to the kids & family....
Korbin has been potty training for the last few months and is doing really good. He likes to wears chonies and big boy training pants. In the beginning he had several accidents but is now learning to "hold it" and make it to the potty.

Ryan has been off for almost 4 weeks now on Spring Break and has enjoyed being home, hanging out in the back yard, playing in the dirt with his army guys. He attends a year-round school, but that's getting ready to change since we are moving :-)
Meagan has a reborn thinking of the term "looking girlie & still be cute." She's all into fashion and has been putting together adorable outfits and hairstyles.

And on to our exciting news... We are moving this coming weekend to a cute 3 bedroom house with a pool... I get the keys tomorrow, Thursday, April 16th, and we move on Friday. We are so excited. We'll be down the street from the church!!
1 comment:
ahahaha! thanks mommy ;) <3
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